Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ode to Kimya Dawson!

Well, i love the genre of Kimya Dawson. This is an attempt to write a song in a way she writes.
Recommended: Do not just read it, sing it along the tune of "Tire Swing".

Crazy girl

She is the craziest girl i have ever seen
goes to places no one has ever been
Wears her jeans with laces on them
Ends all her speech with ahem! ahem!

Calls up her father at the middle of night
says hi and hangs up by saying good night
Teaches her six year old brother about Rock n Roll
and teases her god-fearing mother on selling her soul

Drinks tea from saucer instead of the cup
Sleeps anytime, sometimes even standing up
Watching romantic movies flares up her ire
Has a secret crush on Frodo, of the Shire

Votes every time to see how much it can get worse
Writes poems while rhyming every verse
Goes to plays but never goes to a multiplex
Keeps friendship with everyone even if he's an ex.

But thats not everything i have on my mind
She is actually very very kind

She's the girl who can make anyone cry
Never quits anything before giving it a try
Turns off the lights before leaving her room
And is seen at public gardens carrying a broom.
Acts on issues which no one else care
She's my friend, be it truth or a dare!
She's my friend, be it truth or a dare!


aman said...

he he .. nice one..

Now comes the more important point :
whos the girl?

arvind batra said...

i read an interview of kimya dawson...that was one thass i wrote this.

Unfortunately, i don't have real examples when compared to your case!!!

Gursharan Singh said...

ahem ahem. Rathi needs to answer.