Wednesday, December 30, 2020

5 July - Dec 30 2020 aka Life in 2020 part-2


2020 will be a year to remember. Life will not be same now. But even in this lockdown year, it was not a dull year. The second part became even more colorful with us adopting a pair of kittens and life changed again for us. 

Puchka & Fryums

As I shared earlier, Fryums passed away on Dec 5.  Fryums was the one who had grown closer to us. Puchka was the shy one, more sneaky one. After Dec 5, it took us lot of strength for us to move on. We thought that the worst was over. We wanted to spend time with Puchka and make sure she moves on as well. However, after 5 days, on Dec 10, Puchka had vomiting, loose motions and after couple of vet visits, a blood test, it came out that her White blood cell count is critically low and all her symptoms point to FPV - Feline Parvovirus. 

FPV was supposedly over but it has taken a resurgence in last 1-2 years. It is more contagious than Covid is in humans, it has no cure, (there is a vaccine but out kitten was not vaccinated), and has about 70% fatality rate. GIven the low WBC count of Puchka, vets were very concerned. Puchka refused to have any food and we had to take her to the clinic for morning and evening IV fluid drips so that she can be hydrated. This was a painful 10 day time period. Her conditioned worsened where in she even showed symptoms of FCV - Feline Calcivirus. Her mouth had ulcers, she was drooling everywhere. Loose motion would not stop. A kitten having both FPV & FCV is incredibly rare and for someone to survive this is a miracle. Big shout out to vets at My Pets Choice who were very knowledgable and handled her with due care. 

Kanishka took it upon herself to ensure that Puchka gets full love and affection. The cold weather in Bangalore required us to give her heat packs whose water had to be changed every four hrs. Kanishka kept alarms and slept with her to ease her pain. She regularly cleaned all poop and made sure her surroundings are clean. I mostly got the vet duty and figured out clever ways to keep her quiet when her IV drips were going on. 

After the 10 day period, Puchka's health improved. She came out of IV, and is now also out of oral medications. This Sunday, we got her first vaccine treatment. Her energy is coming back, her hunger is unstoppable. Here are some of her recent excursions - 



Made authentic alcohol filled plum cake during this Christmas. Came out very well. 

Sandesh during Diwali

Our Diwali sweet this time was Sandesh, specifically Naren gur Sandesh. We made Sandesh in three different varieties - one using milkmaid, one using Naren gur and third one using chocolate

Chinese style chilli Tofu and veggies

No pic unfortunately but it came out pretty well. 


Movies / TV

Once upon a time in Hollywood by Quentin Tarantino

4/5 - There is a different energy in each of Tarantino's movies, even when they are not westerns :) Although this one is both a western and not one either. 

Ak vs AK by Vikramaditya Motwane

2.5/5 - Masala movie that is one time watch. 

Kim's convenience - Season 1 & 2

Could have been an Indian family. Lovely Canadian show (Canadian TV is awesome) perfect for family.

Shoplifters by Hirokazu Kore-eda

4/5 - Poignant story about what is a family, about survival and poverty.

Line of Duty - Season 4

3.5/5 - Less gritty than the previous ones. But still pretty good. 

Mandalorian - Season 1 & 2

2.5/5 - I wanted some mindless masala when I started this. It delivers on that. Yes, baby yoda is cute. 

The trial of Chicago seven by Aaron Sorkin

3.5/5 - Pretty good. Great actors, decent script. Semi-based on a true story. Sorkin fans will love it

Morning Show - Season 1

2.5/5 - I honestly watched it for Billy Cudrup and Mimi Leder (of Leftovers fame). Reese Witherspoon definitely provides the energy needed for this show.  Never a fan of Jennifer Anniston. Story arc was ok.

More AV here -


- Presently reading Sandman vol - 5. Brilliant series. 

- Installed Swing at home. 

- Travelled to Sakleshpur, Kabini and a day out to Nature's village to celebrate Babu's bday. 

- Home deep cleaning done, ahoy! so much effort it is.

Books and Reading in 2020

It is becoming difficult to focus on books these days. Takes extra effort to read with all the distractions coming along.  But once the fascination kicks in, it is a breeze through to finish a book. 2019 in book world will be remembered when I discovered Ursulla Leguin's EarthSea world.  How much I wish to read them again :)

2020 started with me becoming a Murakami fanboy. It started with Kafka on the shore and then I read 1Q84 which actually turned out to be a trilogy.  Without further adieu, here is my entire reading list of 2020

Kafka on the Shore, 1Q84. 

Haruki Murakami

Murakami blends magic realism with narrative storytelling in which characters are trying to rediscover themselves. Characters drive themselves, often pushing themselves, outside of their comfort zones; there is a sense of journey in his novels. Eventually, good things happen to good people which makes his work feel good. Kafka on the shore was much better than 1Q84. Detailed review here

The rise and fall of Third Reich

William Shirer

My motivation to read this came from the question posed by White Ribbon - Where does evil come from? I had always wondered about the rise of Hitler.  William Shirer's 1100 page long covers the saga starting from the early days of Hitler, his education and youth, how he came into politics, what shaped his ideology. The book covers his rise to power in Germany and how institutions failed to prevent this. The second part is the path to war starting with  Germany's bordering nations, how WW-1 victors namely France and Britan kept quiet and let the whole thing escalate to proportions that we know now. The third part of the book is about how the war ended, role played by US and UK into it. 

Throughout the book, Shirer keeps on reminding that the Third Reich was meant to last a 100 years but it collapsed in about 18 years. So, there is hope in humanity. However, the sense of parallels that led to rise of Hitler and in the present day is non trivial. One big difference however is that under Hitler, common many did get a sense of economic security and prosperity, something that is missing in today's times. 

The book undermines the tour de force was Hitler's will. He took a lot of risks and many were successful.  However, the book could have done a better job in emphasizing the role of his commanders who were actually in the battlefield.  Hitler, being the ego-maniac that he was, took credit for all of his victories. 

Shirer benefits from all the records that were made public, testimonies of folks made during the Nuremberg trials and other media reports. It is definitely a fascinating read, with some scary and sad content. Unfinished book review is here

Bride of the Forest: The Untold Story of Yayati’s Daughter

Madhavi Madhavan

Yayati's daughter was given a boon/curse that she would be bearer of kings and she would be a virgin forever. In a society where one of king's duties is to bear a male heir, a society where boys are preferred over girls and in a society where virgins are sacred, this is a curse. I loved this book, actually a lot. Madhavi weaves the tale adding so much detail, character and imagery that it is difficult to put down.  Her writing has a flow, it has a sense of melancholy, not just for the main character but also what happens to folks around them. 

Our mythological stories surely has insane amount of creativity in them. Rishis get jealous of kings, stubborn kings want to prove themselves, gods come with certain expectations, so much happens and then there are curses, opposite of the spells of Harry Potter. 

The story is truly a sad one. The ending lifts the story as it becomes a story of ultimate sacrifice. We do not know about Drishatvati because she traded her fame to ensure Yayati goes to heaven. I would very much like to watch a modern day retelling of this book. This is magical realism in one of its finest writings.

Brave new world

Aldous Huxley

One of the science fiction books that is in top 100 Time books to read. Brave New World imagines a society where the science of artificial birthing has been engineered. The true purpose of society is to maintain an order. Natural instincts of human beings tend to disrupt order and hence they need to be neutered. Mental stimulation comes with games, sexual apetite is fulfilled by making it a mundane part of life. Sleep learning shapes the mind to internalize the new world as a tautum. And then there is soma, a drug, that makes one feel good. It is recommended to consume soma in limited amounts daily to bear the existence of life. 

Much of the book is about the world building, how would such a structure exist. It imagines a class-hierarchy based society where every class is trained to not question the other one and how they are better than others. The conflict originates when there are few folks who are at ill-ease in such an order. To propel the narrative, Huxley adds a comparison with a conservation area in Mexico where human beings still live in their primitive lifestyle. In a key twist, Huxley brings in a character from the primitive world to this new world of order without all the trainings. 


Neil Gaimon

I have read books 1 to 4 of this 10 part comic series. Sandman, also known as Morpheus or Dream, is the one of the endless who rules the Dream world. Each book is a collection of stories that revolve around dream, dreamworld and ofcourse, our Sandman. 

It is insanely good. Book 4 has been the best, followed by two, one and three. The series is very anti climactic. To give you an example, in book four, Sandman has to go to Hell, whose ruler is Lucifer. In his last visit to hell, things did not go well between Sandman and Lucifer. This present visit is setup as a big show down between these two characters and Morpheus is definitely the weaker one. However, as he reaches Hell, Lucifer had decided to call it quits and is in the process of locking the gates. Gaiman repeats this trope in different forms and is always a delight. 

Into the Woods - How Stories work and why we tell them.

John Yorke

This classic book breaks down the story in its raw forms - structure, arcs, characters, conflict. What is a 3 Act play, what is a 5 art structure. It is all about the nuts and bolts of a story that is coming since the days of Greek tragedies. The book analyzes screenplays of popular movies and shares how all of them follow the same principles under the hood. 


Vladimir Nobokov

I can see why this is considered a classic. Lolita is a story about a middle aged man who likes underage girls, nymphets. He likes one in particular the most, Dolores also known as Lolita, and eventually becomes her stepfather and a lover. 

It is a hilarious, non-erotic treatment of a difficult subject, written in a way that evokes empathy for the main character. Part road book, part memoir, part observational commentary, it has great things going for it. Yet, I found it difficult to finish. Outside of the nymphomania, Lolita's point of view is mostly non-existent or comes across as a YA, young-adult, which is not something that I relish reading on.

To me the best part was the last meeting between Lolita and her stepfather where they are meeting after four years. It is very raw, fresh and gives you a summation of the her childhood and the impact of such a relationship has on children. 

A memory called empire

Arkady Martine

I simply love when I read/watch something before it gets insanely popular. The way I discovered it because it came via highly recommended from folks who are strong influencers. This book won the Hugo award this year. 

A memory called empire is a space opera where one planet has figured out how to encode memories and consciousness of a person into a neuro capsules that can be fitted inside others. The recipient of such a capsule is living the lives of two people, one of their own and the second from the capsule. The capsule person could themselves had a capsule and as such generations of knowledge can be passed down using this technology. Arkady uses an ambassador who takes this technology to the epicenter of the empire where the king is dying with no heir. Such tech would keep the king alive through a different vessel and all interesting geo political things happen when tech meets sci-fi world building. 

Written beautifully, the text has a sense of simplicity in a chaotic world. Characters with different motivations work independently which makes sense, however it may not be good as a whole. Loved the book and waiting for its sequel. 

Getting More

Stuart Diamond

Detailed review here

Unfinished Book Review - The Rise and Fall of Third Reich

The rise and fall of Third Reich
By William Shirer

My biggest accomplishment for a furlough week given by my employer has been to finish this mammoth book - over 1100 pages written in a smallish font.  Shirer was there when it happened. He couples his personal observations with documentary evidence made public at Nuremberg trials along with diaries of key people of Third Reich.

The book covers the whole saga in three parts - The rise of Hitler and Third Reich, this section ends when Hitler has established a totalitarian regime by dismantling all democratic structures in the government. The next section covers the war - how it started from Austria and then goes by one country after another. The last section is on how the war ended which includes mistakes made by Third Reich and entry of USA.

Section 1 - The rise of Third Reich aka how it parallel with our times. 

Hitler had confidence. Hitler had no accomplishments to claim when he launched his political campaign.  What gave him confidence to run is beyond anyone.  Shirer adopts a tone of surrealism and contempt using this fact. Even later, after Hitler has won multiple battles, he still taunts him as a low corporal officer at the help of affairs.

Hitler developed a disdain for Jews during his stay at Vienna. This, and some botched up teaching of history made him start a Nationalist Socialist party with the objective to have a pure Aryan race take control of affairs of Germany and beyond. The means to this end have a parallel with today's times that is difficult to unsee.

Hitler frequently pointed out that Jews are seducing young Christian girls and thus adulterating their blood.  It is eerily similar to Love Jihad theory practised more commonly in northern states of India.

Normalisation of lies
For a lie to be sold, it has to be made truth. This is a playbook that that is common from Iraq war to Gujarat model. Hitler penned German's defeat of first world war on few traitors at home. These traitors were mostly Jews or people in power who had to be removed. Such a lie was packaged, repeated and sold as truth.

Even later, his Beer hall putsch, an amateur attempt to win a local election by force which was actually a failure by all accounts was deemed a success and celebrated in later years as the first true victory that created Third Reich.

Army and Politics
Many democracies including India had this principle of keeping the hierarchy of Army outside politics. Politicians should not influence how Army hierarchy works and army should not have any vested say in the party which rules. Hitler realized much early on that he can not come to power without the support of Army.

Hitler convinced army to join his cause to overthrow the government. He used the failures of current state -  a struggling one after the first world war loss restrictions.  In one of his moves, he created a new rank to which the chiefs of Army, Navy and Airforce will report. Much of these are similar to moves made by govt in last 4-5 years. It is commonplace now for ex-veterans to appear on TV shows and share their politically biased opinions.

The idea of state based on race
Hitler strongly believed in the purity of race. His book Mein Kampf is filled with his diatribe on this subject.  His idea of state, culture, economy all revolved around this race. What is good and what is bad based on this. He publicly decried his hate for other races, in particular Jews. 

A corollary of this race theory is the glorification of past when only pure race existed. Be it "Make America Great Again" or be it Hindu Rashtra, a nation concept is created based on mythology.  For struggling states, this becomes a rallying cry to come out of its misery. The means appear to justify its ends. citizens are forced to believe it as there does not exist any other alternative.

While the truth has always been that trade has helped countries flourish. A company thrives if it has diversity, a nation flourishes when it has citizens from different backgrounds. We are living in an age where we are connected like never before, information travels instantly. Even in these times, to call for a past which had no language diversity, no exchange of ideas is definitely an alarm.

Fragmented opposition
Germany after first world war had too many political parties. Each one serving its own ideology with a core group of supporters. Shirer writes that -
The cardinal error of Germans who opposed Nazism was their failure to unite against it.
A look at our present times and this is deja vu.

Section 2 - The World War

It started with race. First was the neighboring country Austria as it had many Germans. Next was Czechoslovakia. Same argument. Both Austria and Germany were won without a bullet being fired. Both were given an ultimatum. Their respective armies were no match for Germany which was still not as developed as in the prime of war.

Czech even had a pact with Britan and France to intervene in case any one of the country was attacked.

This review remains unfinished. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Life of Fryums - 28-Jul to 5-Dec 2020

Fryums came into our lives two weeks ago. He was a loving soul, who really wanted to give and share love. In his four months of life, two weeks with us, he gave us profound joy He loved exploring our house, basking in the sunlight, freaking us out by walking on balcony rails without a safety net, staring our open aquarium and most importantly, sleeping on top of our laptops - lid open was preferred. 

When separated from his sister, he would meow like there is no tomorrow. When we let him in the same room as hers, he would see and then go on as if everything is normal in life again. He would not eat his food unless his sister, Puchka, is eating and would like to have the food from the same bowl. His favorite sleeping spot was our bed's drawer. He was not a big foodie but loved the square shaped Whiskas dry food crunchie. 

On his fifth day home, we saw an increased breathing rate and took him to a vet. Upon X-ray, water was found in his lungs. He cried and did not let the docs do an echo. We gave him meds and his condition stabilized but after 4 days it deteriorated again. He was placed in an incubator and upon an echo, it was found that he had an enlarged heart. He was put on life long medicine course. We were giving him regular meds, finding creative ways to hide in his food, getting adept in giving syringe based antibiotics. On Friday, his breathing became very heavy again, he did not had any food on Friday night. We woke up at 4 am on Sat morning to try once again but he refused. We were planning to take him to hospital once things opened up but by 7:30 am, he collapsed and left us with an unimaginable grief that we did not knew that it was in us. 

He is missed. 

His sister is still looking for him. 

More pics can be seen here -

2020 - The year of Zoom calls

2020 will be remembered by the year of family zoom calls. Where the birthday parties, marriage ceremonies, anniversary celebrations all went remote. 

One such artifact of this has been to send in the pre-recorded videos of wishes. We were part of few and ended up recording the following videos - 

Bhanu didi's 50th birthday

18th Birthday message for Shraddha - 

70th Birthday of Buaji

Ekta and Ivan's birthday

Taiji's 70th birthday

Jatin's 18th birthday