Sunday, March 16, 2008

falaq aur ufaq

समाप्त हो रही है यह रात, जाग राही,
बहुत नींद पा ली , बहुत स्वप्न देखें
ले अब अंगडाई और चुस्त हो चल
आ अब उफक को आंखों में बांधें
आ आज फलक को मुठ्ठी में समेंटे
चल अब आज से सत्य को गले लगा लें

For a better usage of these words, check at :

Background: Aman and i were chatting one day about what comes first in aman's mind when he writes a poem using nice urdu words..does he makes a line keeping the word in mind or is it that the word just naturally comes to mind. I belong to the former category. Anyways, this chat happened 3-4 week ago and 2 days back , we were discussing the Gulzaar's lyrics in lead india campaign song and i told aman that i am tempted to write a poem with these words in it and asked him to do so.

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