Saturday, July 12, 2008

Things i would like to see on web...

(1) Tagging in group emails. A common example would be alumni_dit where 50% of the mails are people posting job openings or ic_gt(gatech mailing list) where 50% of mails is people looking for roommates etc. I agree that these mails should be part of the group but are for a specific purpose. There is no need to create a separate group for each specific purpose. Instead each group should have categorizations. Categories should be defined by group owners or group moderators and senders should be able to check which category does the mail applies to. Another way to look at it would be email tagging. So in addition to subject, sender etc, an email should have tags like "humor", "classified", "news", "forward", "bulk forward" etc. This would make email organization lot easier.

(2) News History : So news in all newspapers have a habit of reporting the current release and often fail to give the context. Take the example of India signing Nuclear dealing. Over the past 2 weeks news have covered what left said, how congress replied and how bjp is evading the situation but what is the N deal? why it is good or why it is bad?
So news should follow how gmail organizes my email - as a thread. And this service should come from news websites (hindu/new yorker) and not from news aggregator such as google news or yahoo news. This thread should form automatically.

(3) Social video: (this came out of discussion with Gurshi) I want to watch a video/movie and i also want you to watch it with me what do i do? i send you a link and we both play the video on our end. Now think of how games are played in messenger - We both log in to the messenger and one sends the invite to another. As the invitation is accepted, the game loads in both ends. Now replace the game with the video. Instead of the game, we both watch the video synchronized. Plus we can use other messenger tools (chat/talk) to discuss the video at the same time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude ... appreciate your thoughts .. just thought of adding up mine to these :)

1. may be google started something on this line (not totally what you want) by having [yourid]+[tag][at] .. for eg. you can subscribe to someplace as arvindbatra+jobs[at] ... all these mails will come to your arvindbatra[at]gmail and moreover will be tagged as jobs .. you can create a specific filter to route that :) ... ofcourse, the (google/yahoo)groups have to start having tags like that of every post of lifehacker :)

2. for this particular reason, i ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY love .... with every news they have a "find the context behind this news" thing ... which takes you to the related stories of the past providing you the why-when-how-it-happened story :)

3. a nice idea .. but for me, the utility is minuscule. even if the videos have - "send to friend" link in them, which in-turn inform me when the friend clicked on the link - it's good enough for me to know that the person opened the video :)