Friday, September 26, 2008

Complete insanity

Five things to identify whether a person believes in Left or Right wing politics:

1. When taking his pants down, which leg comes out first. The leg that out comes last is the political belief of that person.
2. While eating food, which side of teeth chews food first, right or left?
3. When climbing stairs down, the first step is taken by which leg, left or right?
4. When reading a newspaper, after page 1 is over, which page do you read next, left or right?
5. If you are to be a pirate in a drama, which eye will you cover, left or right?

If your answer to the above questions results in more number of lefts than right, you are a leftist or else you are right wing supporter.

If you answer the above questions with : "it depends on from where you are looking", you are a diplomat.


Q1) What will a man do at the brink of complete insanity?
A) Make the above questionnaire or answer it.

Q2) What will a man do at the brink of incomplete insanity?
A) He will read the above questions.

Q4) What is the rationale behind above questions?
A) See answer to question 3.

Q5) Will this insanity ever end?

Q6) Depends on what?
A) LHC.; FSM; HKA and YOU.

Q7) Is there any cure from complete insanity?
A) sanjivani booti 2.0

Q8)Is there any cure from incomplete insanity?
A) Yes. It ends now.


aman said...

Very Very Interesting, Mr. Batra.
Here are my answers.. got stuff to do .. but i guess this is more imp..the species of insane ppl is endangered..and ur putting up questions like this and my answering is one the primary means of their (or rather our) conservation. Anyways, back to business, before i fall r my answers..

1. i think i put my left leg out first..pulling out first leg is the most difficult part and one needs ro stand on the stable right leg while doing so..

2. i guess i go left

3. generally i take left..though sometimes i have wondered why i do that..and when i do wonder that, i take my right foot almost touching the stair level and just when it is about to touch it, i bring it back..and put my left one down instead .. and have a smile..

4. i think i first read the right but only its headlines ..and then read to left one which i then read in more details..

5. i ll cover left eye.. cause i ll mostly be using my right hand..

i hope these answers matched the insanity levels of ur questions..
long live insanity!!!

arvind batra said...

i love the third answer!